It’s the right program for me, but I’m well aware of the fact that it’s not the right program for everyone. That said, you can trust that I won’t misrepresent anything about the program to you in this Vegas Pro review. It’s the video editor I’ve planted my flag in after trying out a decent number of them. I’m not going to pull any punches with you: I really like VEGAS Pro. I’ve used competing programs such as Final Cut Pro, PowerDirector, and Nero Video to create videos for both personal and commercial use and have a good sense of both the quality and the features you should expect from a video editing software. It’s been quite a while since I started to take video editing seriously, so I understand what it means to pick up a new video editor and learn it from scratch.

I’ll start off this VEGAS Pro review by exploring why you may or may not be interested in picking up the tool as your first video editing program. Is VEGAS Pro (formerly known as Sony Vegas) the best entry-level program for learning the trade? If you already own another video editing program, is it worth it to make the switch to this program? It may take some time for newcomers to learn its UI and discover each of its numerous tools, but when there’s no substitute for quality, VEGAS Pro might be the best choice for aspiring video editors.