Jig + saw = jigsaw! When two individual words can be added together to form a new word, that's a compound word. AB For further practice, see Activities 3 and 4 in the Answers. Click Below for PDF Time Table - PDF Download. Valentine's Day Addition and Subtraction Worksheet.

Activity Based Oral English for grade 1 & 2. There are learning activities dedicated to each chapter. You might be interested to involve with your 2nd grader with home-based learning activities that would support your child’s development. Obtaining Exam Result Certificates - Effective from 22nd of Nov 2022. 3 I enjoy swimming in the lake with my family. A fun activity book usually contains games, quizzes, puzzles, coloring and other types of interactive activities to engage young learners. How many equal shares is the rectangle split into? A. Below we prepare 8 fun … DOWNLOAD: WORKBOOKS FOR GRADE 2. Cambridge Primary Posters – Stages 1–6 Download classroom. Primary Science Practical Activity Sheets. Each booklet has about 20-30 activities – writing and phonics activities.

These Worksheets for Grade 2 English are really important as they have been prepared based on the current year’s NCERT Books for Class 2 English. Chapter 1-First Day at School and Haldi’s Adventure. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.